How To Documentation
Your guide to successful searching:
Our flagship application – CourtsOnline – is a proprietary technology that provides online access, searching, and retrieval of court case records.
CourtsOnline provides online searching for all cases associated with a specific person or business in one or more courts. In addition, it allows you to search for a particular case number in a specific court.
Intrievex user interface makes searching for a court case a very easy and efficient process that would otherwise be a slow, difficult, and tedious experience when done in person at the courthouse. Access is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, making court records research possible when needed, rather than just during business hours.
Searches can be done by Individual Name, Business Name or by Case Number. They can be in down in one county or multiple counties in many different jurisdictions throughout the U.S. And searches are available by different case types such as bankruptcy, civil, criminal, domestic, probate and judgment.
There are number of tools available to help manage your CourtsOnline account, profile and options. If you already have a CourtsOnline username and password, please login to CourtsOnline at If you do not have an account with Intrievex, please register with us at Also on this page, you can change your password.
After you set up your account and log into the website, you have various options at your fingertips to manage your account. At the top level, a user can do a Search, review their History, or review/change User or Admin Settings. Under the settings tab, there are four main topics available for management, Account Settings, CourtsOnline Settings, User Options and Admin. These tabs allow you to update your account information, credit card data, review historical invoices, review current usage, update your watch settings and your search default settings.
There are number of tools available to help manage your CourtsOnline account, profile and options. If you already have a CourtsOnline username and password, please login to CourtsOnline at
If you do not have an account with Intrievex, please register with us at Also on this page, you can change your password
After you set up your account and log into the website, you have various options at your fingertips to manage your account. At the top level, a user can do a Search, review their History, or review/change User or Admin Settings. Under the settings tab, there are four main topics available for management, Account Settings, CourtsOnline Settings, User Options and Admin. These tabs allow you to update your account information, credit card data, review historical invoices, review current usage, update your watch settings and your search default settings.
CourtsOnline – A better way to find information
Tutorial video coming soon!
Discover why there's now a better way to find court case records. We believed that a search experience should be easy and simple, and we believed it needed to be faster and more inexpensive.
With CourtsOnline, our customers finally have a better way to find information. CourtsOnline is a Web 2.0 solution that gives you richer views, fresher data, faster results, advanced features, tier 1 reliability and free premium support. And with all of those modern advantages, it's the most inexpensive solution in the industry.